X on X: Sapna Shah on Sapna Shahs
The other Sapna Shah is a doctor. Of course she is a doctor. I’m glad she is a doctor. I don’t like blood.
The other Sapna Shah: angel investor. Penn, Wharton, Columbia Business School. Please, no.
The other Sapna Shah is an artist. I can assume also a great arguer. She would have to be to defend the choice.
The other Sapna Shah is my aunt. Of course she is. The others ancestors do not present nearly enough burden.
Blood, angel, art, ghost. Doctor, financier, creator, matron.
Sapnas, I can promise I discovered you first. I’ve always been looking. You were the first thing I ever searched for, in a way – the first words I searched on Google.
I wasn’t really searching for you. I was searching for myself, though I knew there was nothing to find.
I was watching when you appeared like blooms.
Every time I look for myself, I find a mirror bearing your image. Your works adorn our name like flowers. Blood angel art ghost, do you add to me or do you take away? What thing can I do to contend with you? This Sapna Shah watches, sees, wonders. This Sapna Shah observes, but so far has added nothing.
Doctor, financier, creator, matron – and, for now, gatherer of flowers who watches over our name.